Welcome to 2024!!

Last year was a hell of a year in many ways, both good and bad. While I felt the shop and business grew, it was also very rough just due to the nature of the world right now.

I have since revived this personal site to really try and push business here more! This means my prices are slightly cheaper than Etsy and I will also be offering any sewn products here. These are things like plushies (created from patterns by other artists), dice bags and potentially more in the future.

I still love working with resin, but I find it more time consuming (weirdly enough) than sewing and embroidery actually are. I think it's just all the tedious painting of such small designs...oh well. I'm going to keep doing it until it is no longer possible!

Anyway, I currently have four big shows planned for the year. More details will come on those as I sort out pages on this site. I ideally want to have a calendar somewhere to show in person event dates, when, where, etc... plus a proper page to help with future custom orders.

Here's to a good 2024! See you folks around!

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