Winter and crafting...

So I live in a place in Northern California (like way the fuck up here by Oregon) where we get snow in the winter...and god help me for choosing to own and drive a small ass car instead of something built for weather like this. (Side note on I really do want a bigger car now mostly for traveling WITH my show display and inventory).

So I've been dealing with two weeks of pain preventing me from walking around and really sitting for long periods of time in the studio. Only to wake up today to thick, heavy, wet snow on the ground that just keeps coming. Why is this a problem? My work studio is uptown (about...5-6 mile drive), the street does not really get plowed and parking suuuucks. So my little car? Gets stuck in the snow up I don't have a lot of choice other than to stay home if I can't borrow a different vehicle.

So I'm stuck for a few sucks. I have orders on Etsy I was working on and hoping to get in the mail Monday morning. does not seem that's going to happen for another couple days based on the weather report and this mess hitting the west coast.

Send help...I need it.

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